Tell Me About Your Assumptions

Assumptions About My Family
Assumptions are things that we believe are true, without any proof. They can mislead people into believing things that are not true. This mini-comic represents an aspect of my life that many people have assumed about my siblings and me, while we were growing up. I was tasked with the job of creating this mini-comic. As you gaze upon this comic, I want you to think about your daily routine, think about the people you interact with, and even those you just pass on the street. Now that you've thought about it, I have a question for you. What are some assumptions that you have about the people you see? 
Comment your thoughts below.



  1. The main assumption I have about people is their lives are not as complicated as mine; but as mentioned in one of the posts, you never know what’s happening in someone else household.

  2. How might you use comics as a pedagogical strategy to explore challenging concepts?

    1. I would use comics as a pedagogical strategy to explore challenging concept through the use of visuals in comics. Where some words may be difficult to understand or say to certain audience, visuals have a way of conveying the message in silence and/ or with little words. Also. with the use of creating my own characters I can re-tell a story in comic form and making it more relatable to students, so they can better understand.

  3. How might you have a family storytelling night with comics?

    1. I would have a family storytelling night with comics by three stations:
      One station would be a library area with different genre of comic for families to read and explore. This station would help families to become a bit familiar with comics and help them generate ideas.
      The second station would be a make your own comic, where families members can work together or separate in making a comic. In this station families will have the option to use paper and writing utensils or a computer to construct their comic.
      The third station would be the display area where families can share their comics with other families present.

  4. The first impression counts, it is a phrase I used to hear in my country, and still hear in my community here. I used to think people cared much if one wore clothing with known brands, if those brands show a kind of status. That has always bothered me. I think people assume about me when I do not wear those kinds of clothes or not look too fashionable.

  5. Tiffany, what did you do for these assumptions made in your school did not affect your day?


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